Eminent Member
Joined: May 16, 2016
Last seen: Jun 21, 2021
Topics: 21 / Replies: 28
Answer: Issue with changing mailbox plans not applying quota to existing mailboxes

I had this happen a while back and resolved it. I unfortunately cannot remember exactly what the root cause was. Enable verbose logging on the serv...

7 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 884
Answer: MemberOf takes a long time to load

Any update on this one? It appears that this is still an issue in the most recent release.

7 years ago
Answer: Feedback Wanted…

I think you guys are doing a fantastic job. What I would like to see in future implementations. Import/Export users/mailboxes from/to CSV. The bul...

8 years ago
Answer: Error in “ExchangeMailboxMobileDetails.ascx.cs” when trying to get Mobile device details

does this include not being able to remove/delete the mobile device?

8 years ago
Answer: global search distribution lists throws an error

In testing the distribution lists are the only ones that we have noticed that has thrown an error. So that's good : )

8 years ago
Answer: Contact PrimarySMTPAddress can cause mail routing issues

If you could commit it that would be great. I just downloaded the source, and have made several testing changes so I would not want to submit those. A...

8 years ago
Answer: Contact PrimarySMTPAddress can cause mail routing issues

Ok back at it again. So I made the following change. I'm curious of pitfalls and possible issues. So I made a minor modification of SolidCP.Providers...

8 years ago
Answer: Contact PrimarySMTPAddress can cause mail routing issues

Well the last suggestion doesn't quite work as advertised. I downloaded the source and tried it out. And writing the contact primarySMTPaddress as a d...

8 years ago
Answer: Contact PrimarySMTPAddress can cause mail routing issues

No, because it looks like if the address already exists that the primarySMTPAddress of the contact is automatically incremented so at least in my test...

8 years ago
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