Eminent Member
Joined: Sep 23, 2016
Topics: 9 / Replies: 16
Answer: new FTP users on SolidCP cannot ftp into server – ftp error 530 user cannot log in, home directory inaccessible

I only ran into this issue once on Website Panel which did not get resolved and i ended up deleting the entire environment and re-installing the serve...

8 years ago
Answer: new FTP users on SolidCP cannot ftp into server – ftp error 530 user cannot log in, home directory inaccessible

Hi Marco, thanks for the fast response. the FTP Server is using Microsoft FTP through IIS We just used the default FTP site setup After the FTP...

8 years ago
Answer: are there any recent guides on setting up MySQL 5.7 to work with SolidCP?

[SOLVED] Thank-you Marco. Everything worked out. There was a part in the installation for 5.7 (I used full installation option) - after t...

8 years ago
Answer: first time fresh installation of SolidCP – i get error 400

[resolved]   Hi Guys, Robin's solution was correct. In greater detail here's what happened. web server is set with 5 static IPs ...

8 years ago
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