Eminent Member
Joined: Aug 1, 2016
Topics: 5 / Replies: 18
Answer: Link Hosted Organization user to MS SQL Database users

Copy that thank you for the quick response.

5 years ago
Answer: Adding Contact to Global Address List email error

I just tried to create a contact outside of solidcp to test.. I would let solidcp do its job and segregate. Main concert was this feature was working...

6 years ago
Answer: Adding Contact to Global Address List email error

Thanks Marco for the quick reply, can you tell me the actual file that invokes this command and possibly the line number of the code? I want to try ...

6 years ago
Answer: Error setting up mailcleaner API

Make sure the url does not have a trailing "/" it caused an issue in our setup so now the url reads: https:subdomain.domain.com only

6 years ago
Answer: Adding Contact to Global Address List email error

This is a contact i created in exchange ecp directly. This is the same contact i created in SolidCP under same organization When created under s...

6 years ago
Answer: User cannot change password on outlook web app

I have tried the above answers but nothing works.. GPO is set and scope is properly set to include domain PCs.. etc.. please advise.. using solidcp 1....

6 years ago
Answer: WEb APP Gallery not Working

Mohamed.. you are solid! ty sir, worked on my end was able to install wordpress no issues.

7 years ago
Answer: WEb APP Gallery not Working

Using 1.4.1, fresh install, websites working normally, windows server 2016 all updated. Error msg with Web Gallery my settings: I went under server c...

7 years ago
Answer: Windows Server 2016 RDS Service cannot add

Strange thing it shows Remote Desktop Sessions on the top right of server properties and once clicked on it shows Administrator is currently logged on...

7 years ago
Answer: Windows Server 2016 RDS Service cannot add

Yes i have 1.3.0 on all the servers. Anything else i can check?

7 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1090
Answer: Adding Contact to Global Address List email error

How do we add contacts that are globally accessable then? The idea is to add a couple of contacts that everyone in the domain can look up an add to th...

7 years ago
Answer: Remote Applications – RDS

this might also help: When i select Remote Applications tab and hit "add" -> Please wait.. loading applications shows then a pop up with a list o...

8 years ago
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