Whats the Difference between this entrys at the configuration Powershell file ?
I dont understand that section, can anyone help me ?
$dSolidCp_OU_Name = "SolidCP" # Set the Active Directory Organisational Unit Name
$dSCPhstd_OU_Name = "Hosted" # Set the Active Directory Organisational Unit Name for your Hosted Accounts (Exchange / SharePoint / RDP)
Also the question is, i see in video the OU "Customers", did it have somethink to do with it ?
The script creates an SolidCP ou and below it Hosted where it stores the end user accounts.
I don't believe there is a script for the powershell tool.
Hello Trevor, so the script create the OU SolidCP with a Sub OU Hosted, there are the end user Accounts stored.
So when i install for Example Exchange and i set the ou path for the users it must be OU=hosted,OU=SolidCP,DC=Domain,DC=local
is that correct ?
You set the Root OU path in SolidCP configuration for Hosted org to: SolidCPHosted
Kind Regards,