v1.2.0 stable has been released!
01 - 04 - 2017
Howto Update SolidCP 1.2.0 to 1.2.1
27 - 05 - 2017Unfortunately, we were made aware that some contributions from one contributor contained MSPControl codes.
Since discovery we are working hard on removing the codes from our source as well as from the release packages, and of course blocked the contributor’s login.
During this phase downloads and source will be temporarily unavailable until their fully cleaned up.
Due to MSPControl being distributed under the BSD License theres no legal violation that occurred that affects our users, however we do not wish to have any of their codes in our source.
There is no security risk or otherwise caused by this, for the most part it’s just unused files, and one feature that is not the contributors own work which does not contain the correct copyrights.
We apologize and deeply regret this incident to all involved and condemn the actions of the contributor.
We have meanwhile taken the necessary steps to avoid this in the future.
For more information about the disputes in question you can visit the disputes section here
Every dispute SolidCP obtains will be openly available to the public. If you want more information about our dispute process please visit the Dispute Process page
UPDATE 25-05-2017:
At first sight we thought the issue was proprietary codes within our source. However after some further research it contained codes distributed under the BSD license.
Non the less from an ethical standpoint we simply want our source to be clean, to which we continued working on a full cleanup.
We have however adjusted the messages accordingly.
UPDATE 27-05-2017:
We have now fully cleaned up our source and release versions.
We recommend everyone to update to 1.2.1 immediately.
You can download and use the auto updater script to do everything automatically for you, or use the installer update feature.
If you want to manually update your environment please make sure you read through: https://solidcp.com/kb/update/howto-update-solidcp-1-2-0-to-1-2-1 and make sure you clean up the files as instructed in the manual to keep you software 100% clean.