Reputable Member
Joined: May 3, 2017
Last seen: Apr 4, 2024
Topics: 56 / Replies: 181
Answer: cannot create email accts since 1.4.4 upgrade.

the stored procedure that generates this error is "gethostingplans", it calls a function namely dbo.CheckActorParentPackageRights is this not where ...

5 years ago
Answer: mysql backup error

that dll you used is for the 1.4.4 version. I would maybe reccomend upgrading to 1.4.4, what version is your enterprise server, and portal server ?

5 years ago
Answer: Could not connect to the specified MySQL Server

WE created a brand new server running mysql 5.6 added it to the solidcp system, can get all the rest working, same issue with cannot authenticate to t...

5 years ago
Answer: Could not connect to the specified MySQL Server

We did experience an issue with the Renci.SshNet.dll issue that was reported was seen before this where we copied the Renci.SshNet.dll from github to ...

5 years ago
Answer: Could not connect to the specified MySQL Server

HI, Now we are upgraded to 1.4.4 we are seeing the same issue, connection to the mysql server was working fine before hand, now we are getting this s...

5 years ago
Answer: 1.4.3 issue with remote hyperv hosts since upgrade

Maybe this needs to be added to the documentation when setting up VPS with the remote option, I just dont understand why the previous versions up to 1...

5 years ago
Answer: 1.4.3 issue with remote hyperv hosts since upgrade

OK I have tracked this issue down to the user of the solidcp app pool on the server being used to connect to the remote servers. I got onto one of the...

5 years ago
Answer: 1.4.3 issue with remote hyperv hosts since upgrade

I have even run the hvremote script and tested from both client and server and the tests run 100% as it should be configured for hyper v core remote m...

5 years ago
Answer: 1.4.3 issue with remote hyperv hosts since upgrade

I have re-installed all the enterprise, portal and 4.5 clients on all the servers, on all of the standard windows machines they chat and commu...

5 years ago
Answer: PHP per website log / Git support for websites?

use the editor and edit the php.ini files in the php installations, under program files x86phpPHPXX and program filesPHPPHPxx. Change the log filename...

5 years ago
Answer: 1.4.3 issue with remote hyperv hosts since upgrade

Trevor actually responsed on 17 - 06 - 2017 with the option to use the remote option which worked from then until we upgraded to 1.4.3. The new ve...

5 years ago
Answer: 1.4.3 issue with remote hyperv hosts since upgrade

Hi, As I have indicated this worked up to 1.4.2 using the remote option.. My question is how easy is it to go back to 1.4.1. Is it possible or not ...

5 years ago
Answer: Backing up a large database

Hi, this is an old post but we are having similar issues on a 4gb+ mssql db, we have extended the timeout, but this has not helped, basically the situ...

6 years ago
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