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Joined: Dec 1, 2019
Last seen: Aug 16, 2023
Topics: 13 / Replies: 15
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Views: 271
RE: solidCP API

@trobinson understood, thank you

2 years ago
2 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 849
Replies: 1
Views: 647
Answer: helicon ape x windows 2019 iis10 not running ?

hello, very thanks the file: WebsitePanel.IIsModules.dll i have moved to c:windowsassembly * but the file htpasswd.exe whats the usage and whats...

4 years ago
Answer: helicon ape x windows 2019 iis10 not running ?

I think same, but helicontech not reply all my contacts 🙁 about secured folders: do you have the dll about secured folders compiled (from iismodul...

4 years ago
Answer: how I can add menu itens ?

Understood but, how I can add one or more item on left menu ? 🙂 what's the file I need to edit ? what's the item I need add into the file ? ...

4 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 797
Answer: how to rebuild FTP users from SolidCP to FTP server and others server rebuild tools

hello Marco, sorry, what's the address on Gitter channel ? tks, rodrigo

4 years ago
Answer: helicon ape x windows 2019 iis10 not running ?

hello Marco, helicon ape it self not running yes, helicon ape not running Have you also checked the SolidCP –> configuration –> servers –&...

4 years ago
Answer: cannot create email accts since 1.4.4 upgrade.

Hello, I'm running 1.4.5 and have similar issue: *** 00:00:00 MAIL_DOMAIN_ADD 00:00:00 Server was unable to process request. ---> Could not c...

4 years ago
Answer: how to rebuild FTP users from SolidCP to FTP server and others server rebuild tools

hello, not for example: If I have gene6ftp server running and the server have problems and if we lost the server, only restore from backup not is 1...

4 years ago
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