Estimable Member
Joined: Dec 8, 2017
Last seen: Feb 21, 2025
Topics: 23 / Replies: 85
Answer: Set “Dedicated Application Pool” flag to false

P.s. Also, just to check - the shared application pools should be running under the "NETWORK SERVICE" account? I've not come across that before!

7 years ago
7 years ago
Answer: Instant Alias Not Working as in WSP 2.1

Oh just to add - you don't need to allow the domain as "allow users to create free subdomains under this domain" if you just want to use the site prev...

7 years ago
Answer: Instant Alias Not Working as in WSP 2.1

Thank you so much! I have been reporting this bug for ages, but always told it worked properly. By adding the [host_name] record and deleting the pare...

7 years ago
Answer: WHMCS Module Resource Count Error

Hi Bogdan, Yes that is correct - I had a user with 2 (user) accounts - so to make things easier for him, I merged them all into one, so it's now One u...

7 years ago
Answer: WHMCS Module Resource Count Error

I had a think and now I've found the issue. If a customer has two packages under their account in SolidCP, the WHMCS resource counter will fail. ...

7 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1046
Answer: Count Bandwidth Scheduled task infinite loop on Smartermail server

For the others this is happening too, does the rest of your bandwidth for other services count ok? For me - the Bandwidth Schedule task just runs f...

7 years ago
Answer: Massive Bug: Stop default app pools

Hmm, I like the app pool controls as it helps out if someone's site crashes one. I've noticed btw, if you do the switch - then go to the website pr...

7 years ago
Answer: “Preview Domain” function creating incorrect DNS

Ok found the solution. If you use a chosen IP address from the drop down, it will behave as I reported (not created the records) - but if you use t...

7 years ago
Answer: “Preview Domain” function creating incorrect DNS

This is still an issue. Even creating a normal domain, the DNS records are not being created, although they are setup properly in the service. It i...

7 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 725
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