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Joined: Jun 14, 2019
Topics: 5 / Replies: 9
Answer: Unable to Import Email Domains

Thanks for the suggestion. I had checked the audit log for the domain, but it was in the system level log, not the domain log. In it I found the fol...

4 years ago
Answer: Unable to Import Email Domains

Hi Beamer: Thanks for the reply. We're a small company, and I have just one hosting plan, which is unlimited for everything. SolidCP is primarily f...

4 years ago
Answer: Unable to Import Email Domains

Is there no answer for this? Resource import is supposed to be a feature of SCP, is it not? And importing email domains is a pretty big issue for mo...

4 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 2597
Answer: Unable to update Web Policy

FYI - I cannot update ANY policies that have password history and age fields. I can't even click save without having changed anything. That means ev...

6 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 991
Answer: Unable to Add Mail Service SmarterMail 15

So I would need to fully install and basically duplicate the WSP installation from the VPS on the new server, then upgrade the resulting WSP installat...

6 years ago
Answer: Unable to Add Mail Service SmarterMail 15

Thanks Marco. While we're on the subject of SmarterMail, is there a good way to export data from WSP on my old VPS and import it into SCP on the new ...

6 years ago
Answer: Unable to Add Mail Service SmarterMail 15

Ok, I found it. The DisplayName was SmarterMail15, which does not match the VPS. I don't remember changing anything during the install, and the inst...

6 years ago
Answer: Unable to Add Mail Service SmarterMail 15

BTW in the registry locations you mention, there are many keys with names that are GUIDs. I did NOT check all of those. If you're looking for someth...

6 years ago
Answer: Unable to Add Mail Service SmarterMail 15

First I forgot to mention that the server on which I'm trying to use SolidCP is running Server 2016 Std in case that makes a difference. So what you'...

6 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 2477
Replies: 1
Views: 1256