I have spun up a Server 2016 Virtal Machine and all looks fine, but i have noticed that 2 values were not set in theweb.config file.
Culd you open the C:AWStatswwwrootweb.config file and change the following nodes:-
<add key="AWStats.ConfigFileAuthenticationProvider.DataFolder" value="~/cgi-bin"/>
<add key="AWStats.SolidCPAuthenticationProvider.EnterpriseServer" value="http://localhost/EnterpriseServer"/>
The DataFolder needs to be C:/AWStats/data - (Replace the ForwardSlash with BackSlash)
The EnterpriseServer needs to be the URL of your Enterprise Server (including port), I.E. this would be something like
Please try the above and let me know hw you get on as i have just written this into the latest version of the script which i will be releasing tomorrow after some more testing.
Kind regards,
Hi, Datatech.
I have change those settings in my config file but it seems not to be my problem.
(I have backslash, but this forum is removing it)
Can you tell me about your configuration.
Are you having only Anonomys access with user IUSR?
What catalogs in Awstat folder do that user have permisson to and type of permissions?
Are you running Perl64?
I have solved it i have a write up here.
what was the method used to resolve this issue?
We have same problem and it's seems like we can't solve it. The funny part is we have 2 nodes and one is working while another isn't. It seems like both have same configuration.
I have the same problem on Win 2019
Error while opening 'http://stat.domain/cgi-bin/awstats.pl?config=domain': The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
windows auth= is Disable
App pool is ApplicationPoolIdentity
Removed Web-v2.0.conf from C:AWStats
Removed UpdateStats.bat from C:AWStats
On C:AWStatswwwrootweb.config <add key="AWStats.SolidCPAuthenticationProvider.EnterpriseServer" value="http://x.x.x.x:9002" />
DataFolder" value="C:AWStatsdata"
how can I solve this problem?