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Joined: Sep 10, 2018
Last seen: Nov 14, 2021
Topics: 40 / Replies: 55
Answer: This access control list is not in canonical form and therefore cannot be modified.

Hello Trevor, did you know when you release he fix / new Version now next week ? I am a little under pressure, i have my first client for hosting and...

5 years ago
Answer: This access control list is not in canonical form and therefore cannot be modified.

Trevor, it doesnt help us that you have identify the issue and dont post a solution, we need a howtodo how to fix it. Please, someone have a producti...

5 years ago
Answer: Error creating a new organization

Cannot create any Organisation please HELP 00:00:00 Domain ID: 1 00:00:00 Domain Name: 00:00:00 SetAclPermissions Server was un...

5 years ago
Answer: Error creating a new organization

i have the same issue, cant create a new organisation, get also : Server was unable to process request. ---> Error executing 'CREATE_ORG' task on ...

5 years ago
Answer: DNS Zone Records – Double entrys

Hi Trevor, the issue i have now with all Domains, when i create,change or edit now a entry at the SolidCP DNS, it Shows me the entry at the SolidCP Co...

5 years ago
Answer: Whats the difference between $dSolidCp_OU_Name and $dSCPhstd_OU_Name and what does it make ?

Hello Trevor, so the script create the OU SolidCP with a Sub OU Hosted, there are the end user Accounts stored. So when i install for Example Exchang...

5 years ago
Answer: DNS Zone Records – Double entrys

Hello Marco, i see this double entrys only in SolidCP and not at the NS Server ( DNS ) self. When i create a new entry and check the DNS Server, i se...

5 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1865
Answer: SolidCP upgrade from 1.4.2 ( Enterprise Server ) to 1.4.3 failed. Database dead ?

Hello Marco, thansk for the fast answer. No i dont have any backup of the webconfig file. I am sorry that i dont have a backup. At the moment it was o...

5 years ago
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