Eminent Member
Joined: Oct 7, 2016
Topics: 13 / Replies: 27
Answer: Problems with passwords in Mailenable

Hi, I am running Mailenable 9.51 Enterprise and it works perfect (SolidCP 1.1.2). So it should work with 9.52 also. Regards Pelle

8 years ago
Answer: Feedback Wanted…

Hi. Great! Name servers, no i just dont see the point that customers can remove or change the name servers either they have name servers in our e...

8 years ago
Answer: Feedback Wanted…

Hi, Exactly! Great work so far and great response. Im in the middle of a implementation of this so I will come up with more things later. But. 1 M...

8 years ago
Answer: Mailcleaner add domain

Hi,   I have now tested with a valid domain an it dosent work when i create space. if i go in and remove the domain and then add it again it wo...

8 years ago
Answer: Mailcleaner add domain

Im now seeing its not creating the domain when you add the user its when you add a domain it create the domain in mailcleaner. I dont know why i toug...

8 years ago
Answer: Mailcleaner add domain

I have the latest build 1.1.2 upgrade manuall it yesterday. (First installation of this system was 1.1.1) No it newer create the domain for new custo...

8 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 1665
Answer: Create Website Error: Could not find a part of the path

Hi, I had the same error and it was because i added a MSSQL server or MAIL server to my hosting plan and i included the service "System" for those se...

8 years ago
Answer: DNS BIND Windows 2016

Hi, I gave up on BIND and tried Microsoft DNS and that works great. (what i can see right now with 2 DNS servers on the same network, but im going t...

8 years ago
Answer: Mailenable mailbox on server but not in solidcp

Ok, thanks! I solved my problem with detach the mail domain in serveradmin and then import resource and the domain again to the same account and now ...

8 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1990
Answer: AWstats (401) Unauthorized

Hi, Datatech. I have change those settings in my config file but it seems not to be my problem. (I have backslash, but this forum is removing it) C...

8 years ago
Answer: AWstats (401) Unauthorized

I have turned that off. Your script is setting IUSR but that dosent work. (Even if that user have permission in folder) If i put user application...

8 years ago
Answer: AWstats (401) Unauthorized

This is my config file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <configuration> <appSettings> <!-- AWStats Viewer Settings -->...

8 years ago
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