Thanxs for pointing me to the right direction! I dident select the primary group on virtuall servers so probably that was the problem, so after i cha...
Hi, I had SNI support enable when i did this. I did everything from solidcp SSL tab generate code etc. (i was serveradmin) So it should have made th...
Hi, Im sorry if i have made everything confusing, im new to the logic of the system so...sorry again. Yee that way is working for me too. I t...
I just want to be clear, do i need to add the domain first and then make a websitepointer or can i just add a pointer to a existent domain? (Do you ha...
Hi, No its the same behavior. Another thing is that if i am trying to add 2 subdomains down it dosent work either so example is. (So i want to have ...
I dont know if its matter but i copied only the portal files 2 days ago so i could get your fix about MC and that works great!
Hi, No it dosent matter if i check or uncheck that, its the same behavior.
Hi, I also get Enter valid hostname if i try i am running 1.1.2 It only works if i puting one singel name like test and then select the ...
I have solved it i have a write up here.